Simple Way to Solve D3dx9_43.dll Problems
What is D3dx9_43.dll Problem?
D3dx9_43.dll error message look like a threat for your PC. When you get D3dx9_43.dll error, you should find a good solution to fix it in time. Or your computer might get continuous computer problems, such as Blue Screen, system crash or program freeze. In other words, it is important to resolve D3dx9_43.dll error.
Good news for you, D3dx9_43.dll error can be fixed in many different ways. In this blog, I want to show you two helpful solutions.
Solution One: Remove D3dx9_43.dll Problems Manually.
Solution Two: Repair D3dx9_43.dll Issues Automatically.
Solution One: How Can You Troubleshoot D3dx9_43.dll Issues Manually?
To repair D3dx9_43.dll error in time, you can use sfc utility to do a full check for your system.
1. To do this, click Start, type Command Prompt or cmd in the Search box, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Allow.
2. Follow the installation instruction and launch SmartPCFixer.
3. Use SmartPCFixer to clean your computer registry first. Just as the picture below.
4. Click Start Scan and remove D3dx9_43.dll error completely.
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Read More: ,0X800300fb,0X043,Error Code 2126,554 5 7 1,Hresult 8007007e